Here are 18 easy ways you can help!
- Mount nest boxes for birds, bats and owls, they will take care of insects and rodents
- Don’t use pesticides or poisons for pest control
- Plant or leave existing native plants on your property
- Reduce the size of lawns
- Leave dead trees or branches (unless it will fall on your house or car) A dead tree is a living refrigerator and a host for cavity nesters
- Don’t rake, leaf litter will provide winter food and hibernation material for caterpillars and other beneficial insects
- Use decals, mobiles or sheer drapes for windows to reduce bird strikes
- Compost vegetation
- Have a water source, such as a bird bath or fish pond
- Keep your cats inside, feral cat populations need to be reported and removed
- Feed the birds year round if not in bear country
- Clean bird feeders with a 10% bleach solution
- Grow plants that bear fruit and seeds
- Make a brush pile in the corner of your yard
- Mulch gardens, reduces weeds and holds in moisture
- Walk lawn before mowing, baby bunnies or reptiles may be hiding
- Before trimming or cutting trees, check for nests
- Do not attempt to raise, keep or rehabilitate wildlife. Young birds or animals will not develop proper skills if not done professiona