Meet the Team
A few of the habitants at Ravensbeard are birds that cannot be released, they now serve on our educational team. Through customized educational programs, and in person [or Zoom] presentations, meet the raptors. Learn about their natural history, habitat, unique hunting styles and the story of how they came to be with us.
These birds are not pets and are wild in their hearts. Every bird of prey has been vetted to see if they will tolerate education. Some do not.
We treat them with the utmost respect and value the chance to be able to admire them and learn about their natural wonder.
Our global climate is in peril. Learn to live a sustainable lifestyle through the eyes of birds. Each of us can make a difference by choosing a few new lifestyle choices. The ripple effect begins in our backyard.
Call or text for availability and suggested donation. 845.901.0633
Certificate of Insurance on request Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, Class ll
Special Purpose Education/Exhibit Falconry - General NYSDEC and Federal Permits